There are several tools to write programs in different languages for the GameBoyTM and all are freeware! I have found a Basic-interpreter, a C-compiler and different assemblers. When writing programs an emulator can be very handy for testing prior to burning code into EPROM. Several emulators and tools are described in this section.
and other useful programs
- one of the best emulators for developers. Allows stepping through
programs while viewing registers, etc.
97 and VGB -
Two GB emulators running under DOS or in the Windows DOS-Box
- A very good frontend under W95. To use it with GB97 rename
- A real Basic with all its advantages and disadvantages, which
runs both on the real GameBoyTM and on the
problem of writing GB-Basic programs on the GameBoyTM
is that you have to key them in with
the six keys of the GameBoyTM
and that there is no way to save the
files on the GameBoyTM
permanently (they can not be burnt
to a ROM either). Also it is not possible to modify existing
GB-Basic code. Jeff has still some work to do on this tool.
alternative method is to use a PC with a text editor (like DOS
edit) and GBBC the next tool in this list. To implement improved
file handling I wrote some batch files. To transfer the basic -
programs form you PC to the GameBoyTM
requires modification of a MBC1
cartridge (with RAM onboard) and building the GameBoyTM
to parallel port cable. For more
details have a look on Jeff
Frohwein's page.
- converts an ASCII-text file into an GBB binary and GBB binary
into ASCII (see the batch files below)
GB-Development Kit
(V2.0) includes a C and an assembler compiler, linker and builder.
It is
absolutely vital to install the Development Kit into the
root directory of your hard disc. To avoid this use the
"subst" command as shown in the next batch file example.
Programs can now be written using a text editor. Use the extension
C for a C-source file and S for an
assembler-source file.
Gameboy Development
Studio is a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for GBDK
2.0 and Windows95TM. Check out the site for further
Table x: some useful batch examples
Converts gbb121.sav into an ASCII-file (1. Parameter) |
Compiles your assembler or C source into a GBfile |
This document was created with StarOffice
4.0 by Marc